Links to useful macro photography websites
Camera Systems - Macro and Close Up Photography
- Alan Wood - A very thorough and complete guide to Olympus Macro equipment.
- Bojidar Dimitrov Pentax K-Mount Page - A very thorough and complete guide to Pentax Macro equipment.
Photographers specialising in Macro and Close Up Photography
- Macro Insect - An amazing collection of close ups of insects.
- Focus Staked Macro photos - Fantastic collection of macro shots taken using focus staking.
Techniques and how to guides for Macro and Close Up Photography
- Extreme Macro by macro photographer Johan J Ingles - Le Nobel covers focus stacking, lenses, lighting & more.
- How To: DIY $10 Macro Photo Studio - Strobist site shows us how to make a really cheap macro studio.
- Insect macro Photography - Some cool insect photography and articles on how to do it. After you've read the articles, check out his gallery.
- Making a Helicon Macroscope- a really informative guide to using bpm bellows on a enlarger copy stand for macro work.
Choosing Camera Macro Gear
We guide you through the type of gear that you could use to take stunning macro photos.
Buying Camera Macro Bellows
We have a limited stock of the classic BPM bellows, plus a few other older gems that you may no longer find in the retailers.
Macro Photography Technique
You will find everything you need to know about macro photography in our easy to follow technique guides to help you take great close ups.

BPM Bellows
We have limited stocks of used BPM camera bellows including customised sets for the Bowens Illumitran professional slide copier.

BPM Camera and Lens Mounts
We have the worlds largest collection of original camera and lens mounts for the BPM bellows.

BPM Bellows Spares
We can supply spare parts for BPM Bellows. Every item in stock from the bellow material to tiny screws that hold them together.

BPM Bellows Accessories
Accessories for the BPM Bellows to expand their versatility, including the Repotran slide copying add-ons.