BPM Bellows related paperwork and macro leaflets
I hope you enjoy this collection of leaflets, instruction manuals, sheets and BPM Bellows related paperwork. We have saved them all as pdfs. Feel free to click on the links and download. Please also help to build this resource by providing us with any useful facts about BPM.
We would love to make contact with anyone who worked at BPM, see photos of the business and buildings, gather any more leaflets, manuals or brochures. Also receive any historical data that anyone can find or adverts that BPM may have placed in photography magazines, or reviews of BPM products in photography magazines.
Please use the contact form to get in touch.
Instruction manuals
- BPM Bellows Instruction Manual
- BPM Bellows Repotran Instruction Manual
- BPM Bellows Prismeter Instruction Manual
- Pentax Reverse Adaptor M42 Instructions
- Pentax Reverse Adaptor K Instructions
Sales leaflets
- BPM Bellows Sales Leaflet, May 1966
- BPM Bellows Sales Leaflet, January 1967
- BPM Bellows Sales Leaflet, May 1971
- BPM Bellows Sales Leaflet, Nov 1971
- BPM Bellows Sales Leaflet, Feb 1972
- BPM Bellows Sales Leaflet, Dec 1973
- BPM Bellows Sales Leaflet, Mar 1976
- BPM Bellows Sales Leaflet, Mar 1977
- BPM Bellows Sales Leaflet July 1980
- BPM Bellows Sales Leaflet Jan 1984
- BPM Bellows Sales Invoice header
Price Lists
- BPM Bellows Price List July 1966
- BPM Bellows Price List January 1967
- BPM Bellows Price List July 1971
- BPM Bellows Price List March 1972
- BPM Bellows Price List June 1974
- BPM Bellows Price List May 1976
- BPM Bellows Price List March 1977
- BPM Bellows Price List March 1980
- BPM Bellows Price List July 1981
- BPM Bellows Price List March 1983
- BPM Bellows Price List Feb 1988
Other Lists
Choosing Camera Macro Gear
We guide you through the type of gear that you could use to take stunning macro photos.
Buying Camera Macro Bellows
We have a limited stock of the classic BPM bellows, plus a few other older gems that you may no longer find in the retailers.
Macro Photography Technique
You will find everything you need to know about macro photography in our easy to follow technique guides to help you take great close ups.

BPM Bellows
We have limited stocks of used BPM camera bellows including customised sets for the Bowens Illumitran professional slide copier.

BPM Camera and Lens Mounts
We have the worlds largest collection of original camera and lens mounts for the BPM bellows.

BPM Bellows Spares
We can supply spare parts for BPM Bellows. Every item in stock from the bellow material to tiny screws that hold them together.

BPM Bellows Accessories
Accessories for the BPM Bellows to expand their versatility, including the Repotran slide copying add-ons.